They have arrived: Fresh Dutch Mussels!

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They have arrived: Fresh Dutch Mussels!

Every year, Dutch mussels enthusiasts look forward to the first mussels from Zeeland and the official start of the mussel season. The Mussel growers from the southwest province in the Netherlands are very pleased with the quality they are seeing this year. One Mussel grower says, “The mussels are well-filled and have a beautiful color. We measure meat percentages of 27 percent and higher, and this year the mussels are all in the high percentages.” Definitely a great way to start the season!

The yearly mussel tradition – which originated centuries ago – is now also celebrated in Aruba. This year the fresh ‘Zeeuwse’ mussels are being served as of Friday, July 15th at Que Pasa Restaurant & Winebar. These delicious fresh mussels are available while stock lasts, so be sure to make your reservation on time!

Que Pasa Restaurant & Winebar is located in a cozy historical merchant house in downtown Oranjestad (Wilhelminastraat 18, Oranjestad). For reservations go to or call (+297) 583-4888.

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